During the enforced lock-down I’m sure we’ve all obtained some bad habits…

Maybe this week’s reviewed book ‘The Achievement Habit’ (written by Bernard Roth) should be a must read for us all.

Roth is Professor of Engineering and Academic Director at Stanford University, and is a leading expert on kinematics, the science of motion and robotics.

He believes achievement can be learned. In the book he explains, achievement is a muscle, and once you learn to flex it, you’ll meet life’s challenges and reach your goals.

‘The Achievement Habit’ is based on a legendary course which Roth has taught at Stanford University for decades.

The course employs brilliant insights that come from design thinking, which helps people release the power we all have within to change our lives for the better.

I read it from a business perspective, looking how design thinking can help me create habits to be a better leader, marketer, creator, and relationship builder.

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But you can apply the book’s thinking in all situations, either in wider business contexts, in a certain silo or in your personal life, either way creating good habits can only improve things.

Roth is certain our behaviour and relationships can be transformed – if we choose to create habits that make our lives better – which this book with you help you achieve.

As well as being a blueprint, it’s packed full of short stories detailing how a change of habit in a particular area has had a huge impact on people’s lives personally and in business.

‘The Achievement Habit’ gets a thumbs up & 5 stars.

Any questions please connect and message me.

Remember, you can watch all our business book reviews at https://mytotalofficesolutions.co.uk/business-book-reviews/

…thank you & see you next week.

By admin

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