Goth is one of my favourite books of all time. Tope five material, and I’ve reread it twice since. The film is a great adaptation, if interested! You can purchase Goth from amazon
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Gear I use to film:
Main camera – Nikon D5600 – flip-out screen ▹
Main lens – Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G Lens ▹
LED USB Lights ▹
Logitech C310 for Live Video ▹
Most links in my video descriptions are affiliate links where I earn somehow when you use the services I do to make videos or for reading and relaxation ~ The opinions expressed herein are my own. If there are #horror books out there that you think I ought to read, let me know. I talk scary books, extreme horror, classic, gothic, and everything in between. Helping you find the next best horror book to read is the goal, and sharing new and old horror from my #booktube shelves and new releases is how! Horror, nonfiction and even true crime can be found here as I find that human beings are the scariest thing of all.
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