30 Days, 15 Books: My Personal Ratings & Spicy Scale Revealed! 📚
Elyse’s Spicy Scale: 1:00-1:58 Elyse’s Rating Scale: 2:00-3:00 ——— 📚Abby Jiminez: 3:03-3:59 1. Part of Your World: 4:00-5:48 2. Yours…
Underrated YA Fantasy Books
Hey bookish friends! Thanks for popping in! Today I’m excited to talk to you about seven hidden gems of the…
Guide to Eloisa James: fairy tale historical romance series (book reviews)
I’m back with another guide to historical romance author series and this time I chose ELOISA JAMES! I pronounce her…
Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Book Recommendations for Spooky Season
It’s spooky season so it means it’s time for us to curl up to romantic fantasy reads! Make sure to…
MY NEW FAVORITE EXTREME HORROR BOOK?? (Violence on the Meek reading vlog) 👀
🩸socials: ✨ Follow me on Bookstagram: @miquesbookstagram ✨ Email me: miquewatson@gmail(dot)com ✨ TikTok: @miquebooks ✨ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/149495159-mique-watson
I read Tyra Banks’ YA fantasy book Modelland so you don’t have to
modelland: read brain cells: dead faq what’s your accent? i lived in america til i was 7 and ireland since…
Reading *EXTREME* INDIE HORROR BOOKS (two five star reads)!
🩸Watch these next: BEST HORROR BOOKS of 2021: https://youtu.be/Wwy4OLnUxlw BEST THRILLER BOOKS of 2021: https://youtu.be/rsMIsfhEmLM BEST BOOKS OF 2021: https://youtu.be/na93NKGeG40…
Reading EXTREME horror books (one really messed me up 😰)
👹 Other vids you might enjoy: 1. DRUNK REVIEW of The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins (SPOILERS): https://youtu.be/Sjk4JNYf6hw 2. DRUNK…
HUGE SPOOKY BOOK HAUL + UNBOXING 🦇 fall book haul: gothic romance, horror, vampire romance, & more
eeeeekkk I am so excited for all of these 🤩👻 ✿ w a t c h n e x t…