Hi everyone! Today marks my sixth year of writing book reviews. And it is also my second Booktube anniversary! Yes, I can’t believe it’s been two years since I started my Booktube channel. Thank you so much to everyone who keeps watching my videos and leaving likes or lovely comments. And, of course, special thanks to my patrons who keep supporting me further. I truly appreciate all of you.

Snobbery exists everywhere. And that includes reading and the fantasy genre. Fantasy and sci-fi are often a victim of being underestimated or considered as useless or horrible as genres. I totally disagree with this. To counter this, in today’s video, I asked the help of 20 people (my friends and mostly booktubers) to give their answers on which books led them to read fantasy, how they got into the genre, and why they continue to love the genre. This is to politely prove why the snobs’ statements and claims are nonsensical. I hope you’ll enjoy watching today’s video. Let me know in the comments what you think about these claims, how you got into reading fantasy, and why you continue to love the genre! Enjoy the video!

(The quality of some videos was ruined due to format conversion. I apologize for that. It’s not the contributor’s fault!)

Thank you so much to these Booktubers for making the time to contribue to this video:
@Bookborn & Zack Argyle

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Thumbnail art:
Gandalf vs Balrog by alswns3421 (Kim Minjung)

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