Good day. It’s Friday & time for a business book review…
In 1998 I read Richard Brandson’s ‘Losing My Virginity’ and thought WOW what a story.
This person is a true entrepreneur who’s come through very tough times to achieve amazing things.
But little did I know. Richard had only just started.
The next 20 years would see Virgin become a global brand & see Richard get involved in projects to bring real positive change.
Whilst investing in companies pushing the boundaries of possibilities.
Richard Branson’s latest book ‘Found My Virginity’ kind of picks up where the 1st one finished. Dipping back in on occasions & overlapping in places.
But what it does well. Is tie both books together & explains how Virgin has grown from an iconic UK music brand into a global brand that stands for fun, quality, difference & trust.
Virgin can now enter & disrupt diverse markets, without anyone thinking they’ve lost their identify.
Richard Branson & Virgin now have over 200 companies operating under Virgin’s brand including aviation, trains, banking, health clubs, holidays, hotels, cruise ships, transportation & space.
The book takes you on a journey & gives you a peak inside Richard Branson’s life. You’d never believe he’s nearly 70 & there’s certainly no sign of him slowing down yet.
Whether you like him or not. You’ve got to doff your cap to him for all he’s achieved so far in his life. Personally, I wish I had half his energy & know how. The guy gets my total respect.
I couldn’t put the book down. I’ve read it twice this week. Not because I didn’t understand it. Because it was a thoroughly great read & I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any golden nuggets.
It’s a fantastic read for any budding or persevering entrepreneur, business leaders or anyone who who’s got a great idea they wish to pursue.
‘Finding My Virginity’ (even though it makes me sound like a 40+ year old Virgin) gets an easy thumbs up & 5-stars.
If you’ve got any questions about the book, connect & message me on LinkedIn or drop me an email to
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Thank you for watching & see you next week.